1836 - Famine.

1839 - Death of the Duchess-Countess of Sutherland.

1841 - Sutherland. Rioting and deforcement in Durness.

1842 - Ross. First attempt to deliver writs of removal to the people of Glencalvie.

1845 - Ross. Glencalvie cleared. Delane of 'The Times' sends a Special Commissioner to report. Failure of the potato crop in Ireland and famine, badly effects Highland Scotland.

1846 - Famine following the potato blight. Establishment of Destitution Relief Boards in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

1847 - Food riots.

1849 - Sollas evictions from Lord Macdonald's land on North Uist.

1850 - Strathconon evictions by James Gillanders and others.

1851 - South Uist and Barra. Evictions by Colonel Gordon of Cluny.

1852 - The Highland and Island Emigration Society formed under the patronage of Prince Albert. It absorbs the Skye Society. The Land and Emigration Commissioners offer ships and assistance.

1853 - Skye. Lord Macdonald clears the last of the people from Boreraig and Suishnish.

1853 - Knoydart. Mrs. Macdonell of Glengarry, with the trustees of her son's estate, serves writs of removal on the last of her sub-tenants.

1854 - Ross. Last evictions from the property of Robertson and Kindeace in Strathcarron. 'The Slaughter of Greenyards' and 'The Massacre of the Rosses.'

1854 - Knoydart. The Lord Advocate orders an inquiry into the state of paupers there following the evictions.

* Note - many of these areas are within a few hours by boat of Taransay. North Uist is approx. 15 miles. A history of Taransay records "Rent increases in 1835 caused a large decrease in the population of Taransay". It fails to mention if this decrease was voluntary.